Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Tree planting activity

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Friday, May 2, 2008

Gaia's Wish

Dear Family & Friends,

We are so blessed that there are people who continueto support us in so many different ways. Just wanted to share with you a poem written by one of the parent of Giorde's student. I miss my little Gaia so much that there are times I feel the hurt physically. That's the nearestdescription that I could come up to express the pain. But when I get such uplifting messages such as thewords below..it gives me joy knowing that somebodycares enough to spend time and write down such lovely thoughts.


Please don’t cry for me
I’m in a far better place,
Resting in heaven
In my Father’s embrace.

It’s beautiful here
No sorrow, no tears,
I’m walking with God
There’s no need for fears.

My life on earth was short indeed,
But remember me with peace
In the lives you now lead.
I know you will miss me

And your hearts may ache,
But ties are not broken
And memories don’t break.
Ponder the good times

And what my life meant to you,
You made a difference, you fought for me!
There was nothing more to do.
Please know that I am free
Free to be the girl I was created to be!

I am not far away
For life goes on,God’s word is true
And I’ve moved on.

Thank you for the love you gave
For every lovely thing,
Now give it again to others
It will truly make me sing!